Wednesday 28 March 2018

Kuenda Mbire the Song and Original Lyrics

Kuenda Mbire


Legend is that, in the old Mbire Province of 16th Century or even before, that includes the present day Hwedza, there was a small venomous snake that was only found in this area. The venom was so poisonous that  if it fell on green wood or grass, it would dry up immediately. If it bit an animal, the latter’s hooves, teeth and horns would fall off within 24 hours. The Hwedza Mbires were famed for making war weapons such as spears, axes (gano) and arrows, on account of the fact that the Hwedza Mountains were full of iron deposits. The Nembire (Chief of the Mbires or Mwenembire) anointed his weapons with paste made from the venom of the little snake. The effect of the stab or cut from weapon was the same as the bite from the little snake. If ever you offended Nembire, you had nowhere to hide.
Kuenda Mbire, the song was sung by the Nembire’s enemies.

Today, Kuenda Mbire is a spiritual song that can be sung to invoke ancestral spirits, although the song, has been recorded by different artists, for purely entertainment purposes.


Lead (L)           Kuenda Mbire, kuenda Mbire
                        Baba iwe Moyo
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Kuenda Mbire, Vakomana iwe
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Kuenda Mbire, Vasikana iwe
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Ndiende mugomo monditevera
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndikwire mumuti mondipotsera
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndiende mugomo monditevera
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndikwire mumuti mondipotsera
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndipinde muguru, mahwekwe nemhungu
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndipinde mubako, mondigovha
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Kuenda Mbire, Baba iwe Moyo
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Ndoendepiko kusingasvikike?
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Ndidoti mugwenzi nemago ndure
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Kuenda Mbire, Baba iwe Moyo
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndichiti muchuru ndarumwa nenyuchi
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndipinde mudziva mahwekwe negarwe
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Ndipinde mugonera mondidzivirira
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ndipinde mumvura mondipindira
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Nditizire murugwezhwa ndarumwa nenyoka
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire
Lead (L)           Ndozivepiko, vakomana iwe?
Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo
Lead (L)           Ho-o iye!
 Backing (B)     Ho-o hehwo, kuenda Mbire

Lyrics from Aaron C. Hodza (1974)

1 comment:

  1. Kuenda Mbire is one such a great very spiritual song. In the African culture there is absolutely everything that an African needs. My dad is a mbira player however I grew up taking mbira music for granted but have realized that running away from my identity is most stupid one can do.
